How Fiverr’s “Expert” link building services can hurt your website SERPs

Learn why fiverr backlink services can do more harm to your website seo than help you.

How Fiverr’s “Expert” link building services can hurt your website SERPs

Learn why fiverr backlink services can do more harm to your website seo than help you.

When you are in fiverr, you are probably not looking for the best. You will most likely be on a bargain hunt. Well, its not only you. The normal stigma surrounding Fiverr services is that its cheap, budget, and low cost. An absolute favorite choice for SMEs and starting businesses to get stuffs done without much cost. Over the years, providers discover that too and instead of marketing cheap Fiverr link building services, they went a step further to provide “Expert” Link building services. They simply set their prices to show you just how little you can be paying for “expert” link building services for your website.

How Fiverr started, the Easy way out for businesses

To understand why businesses have such a consensus about Fiverr, we need to go back when it first started. Fiverr initially offered their services for $5 to attract businesses to purchase services via their platform. It was a smart move, by doing so, they were able to attract targetted business entities who are looking for services and in turn matchmake the right freelancers to these businesses. This move changes business habits, allowing fiverr to become the default option for cheap outsourced services. 

Backlink building is Tough

Lets face it. Link building is tough work. It takes creativity, discipline and patience. This is the reason why those who succeed in their link building campaigns often gets rewarded with high traffic inflows into their website. Its also the reason why many business owners who got into the concept of link building to increase with website rankings often look for shortcuts and way outs to get the job done easily. 

Cheap Fiverr Services are all the rage

backlink services on fiverr

Just do a search for “link building” on fiverr and you will find over 30000+ listings for backlink services. Well, they definitely look legit, normally, coupled with keywords aimed at baiting you enough to make a purchase. These keywords include “DA90+, White hat SEO, Penguin update safe, Manual link building”. However, are these services really good for your business? 

A change in perspective

Lets put it this way, if the services are so good and effective, why would they even be providing it for only $29 while true media agencies charge $1000s and even millions of dollars in such services? The answer is simple. “Services for the budget consumer” Think about this. When you go into a high class restaurant, you expect to get good food because you pay a high price. Most of you might be thinking, maybe, I can get good food while eating at a budget street store. But whats the odds of that?

We tested one of the so-called pro-services on Fiverr.

200+ reviewed backlink service

We tested a 300 DA70 links backlink service. We guessed it should be fine since it has over 200+ reviews and most give it a rating of 4.9. This is the completion report we got. 

sample backlink report fiverr

You can see that most of the links are spam and even if they managed to get past google updates this time round, they probably ain’t going to last over time. Furthermore, think about this if a potential client unfortunately gets redirected to your website via a link like this, what type of first impressions is this going to leave to your potential client?

After a week of service completion, most of the sites here are still not being found on search engines yet. 

The issue with the content itself

Its not just the links, the content itself posed an issue. Almost all 300 articles were similar with completely no value to the potential reader. It’s not just an issue with AI-generated article, the article itself just doesn’t make sense. Chatgpt could probably do better. 

Whats most important for you?

I’m not a very persuasive person, so most of you might still go ahead with the purchase because pricing is still a factor of consideration reasonable enough for you to try. However, think about this. While you are spending the time going through the 30000+ listings to decide which is the best for you, wouldn’t it be wiser to spend it on the more important aspects of your business? And if what you selected doesn’t work out, how many times are you going to still try out the other 30000+ listings to find the one that suits you?

If you think link building is about creating lots of links to your webpages, then you probably got the whole idea wrong. Most people tend to have this misconception. Those who truly does are the ones that were able to create useful viral content that spreads across the net like wildfire. 

Picture of Robert Fronso

Robert Fronso

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