FAQ and General Questions

The answers we hope you have before you come knocking on our door. 


We know you have doubts. Lets see if this helps to resolve your enquiries

1) What is GoData.digital?
Godata.digital is a full-fledged Digital Operations Company which started out its humble beginnings as a Ecommerce Handling company in 2019. We work with our clients to help them achieve success digitally via organic methods.

2) If i only have 1 item, can i still engage Godata.Digital services? 
Godata.digital work with clients from a diverse array of business backgrounds. We’ve handled accounts that are 1 product businesses to 500 product businesses. Every single business is unique and what we do is tailored to our customers’ needs on what they would want to achieve. If you are unclear, do feel free to set up a meeting with us to discuss more about your digital business in-depth. 

3) Can Godata.digital Guarantee sales?

We can’t and we don’t. Any company that tells you they can is lying. We work so hard with you to ensure that if your business still doesn’t takes off. Its probably something you might need to consider our routes to success. 

Furthermore, Godata.digital offer no-commitment packages that you, as a customer, can bail out anytime should you see results not showing. 

4) If Godata.Digital cannot guarantee sales, why do I need them?

As brutal as it may sound, not every business venture will be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Our tailored services lets you see your path a lot clearer. By understanding your business and how it ties into the local community and your market at large, we are able to advise you when you should no longer be spending more time on your business. Our network and connections will also be able help you achieve what you want accomplished faster and quicker.

5) How can GoData.Digital’s service help me?
Well, it really depends on what your business requires. We provide a whole suite of business services from Digital transitioning, to Marketing, to Paid online services all the way down to accounting and book-keeping. We started off just like you and over the years, we’ve built and grow to understand what the digital community needs and whats the best way to engage them.

We assist your team to make the correct decision based on past data. Most of our clients approach us for our E-Commerce service. This is probably the most common service businesses and individuals look at us for.

Our normal flow commonly goes like this.

      • Understanding your business requirements and defining objectives
      • Data Collection and Compiling
      • Data Cleaning and Processing
      • Statistical Analysis
      • Hypothesis and Formulation
      • Evaluation and Interpretation

    This can be anything from improving operational efficiency to working on your sales strategies. We believe that a better company structure is the way to further expand your business.

    If for any reason you are not satisfied with our service, we don’t even want your money because we don’t deserve it.

    6) How is Godata.digital’s Service different from all the Digital Marketing Companies out there?

    Over the years, we’ve proven that we’re not merely a team that promises success. Our clients return time and again because we consistently walk the talk, demonstrating our capability to handle whatever challenges they present to us.

    7) How long will your service packages take to see results?
    Results should come along within 3-6months time.
    Marketing and Digital Sales is an ongoing process and it will take dedication and hardwork. The companies that we work with normally have issues that they want to resolve or growth direction that they want to achieve. Our duty is to help them reach there faster.

    7) Do I or my company staff still need to work on the project if i engage your services?
    Yes & No. Depending on the type of services. Our business packages does not include manpower services. Our consultants do not engage in the daily BAU tasks. Should you require additional manpower on execution of our recommended strategies, you can engage our hired hands service.
    You will require someone to be working on the project liason from your end.
    However, hand-holding guidance will be provided from our end.
    Everything that you will need to do will be provided by us and we will guide you through the process.

    8) Why are there no portfolio brands or past works?

    We respect the privacy and confidentiality of our clients, some of whom prefer to maintain a low profile. Due to our contractual obligations, we are unable to publicly disclose information about certain situations or brands we work with. However, you can see some of the open portfolio companies we work with on our homepage section.

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