Ecommerce and Dropshipping

The blog to follow if you want to learn more about Ecommerce and Dropshipping. The pitfalls and how to value-add to make sure you gain an upperhand in an extremely competitive Marketplace.

Ecommerce as an industry is getting saturated.. and it probably isn’t such a bad thing afterall

Learning to survive in Ecommerce? Lets face it. This industry just isn’t doing well. Even the pay rate is on an all-time low for any position in Ecommerce. The covid spike had caused a hype in this digital economy that so many sellers (esp: from China) had jump on the band wagon and flood the …

Ecommerce as an industry is getting saturated.. and it probably isn’t such a bad thing afterall Read More »

How to Sell & fulfill Orders for products sold on Partner Networks?

All orders received on network of stores will be recorded in your account Google sheets. This is to facilitate fast, easy and transparent records. has 2 modes of fulfilment of your products: Fulfilment with Self-Fulfilment FULFILMENT with For fulfilment with, there is nothing you are required to do as orders …

How to Sell & fulfill Orders for products sold on Partner Networks? Read More »

Tips to getting your first sale as a dropshipping business

Starting a dropshipping business isn’t as easy as you may think it is. Like the saying goes, “whoever comes into the market first gets the largest share of the pie”. This is very true in today’s context. Especially when ecommerce and dropshipping can be start relatively easy with a simple computer and an internet connection. …

Tips to getting your first sale as a dropshipping business Read More »

Ensuring Ecommerce Success: How to Minimize Risks and Maximize Profits.

It doesn’t matter if you are in the reselling business or proud of yourself for creating yet another revolutionary product. Fact is, a lot of business achieving ecommerce success start with the proper business planning and understanding of their market and industry. Those that doesn’t normally fail to evade the common pitfalls of running a …

Ensuring Ecommerce Success: How to Minimize Risks and Maximize Profits. Read More »

Why Your Ecommerce Store Might Be Failing (and How to Fix It)

Failing Ecommerce? Ecommerce moving on a downward trend? Sounds familiar? Yes. You brought in some products from overseas, hope it sells and unfortunately, it doesn’t. Well, it sounds all too familiar. Fact is. Ecommerce isn’t on a downward trend. The industry is simply revamping itself. Want to know why you are not doing all that …

Why Your Ecommerce Store Might Be Failing (and How to Fix It) Read More »

Shopee AI Designer perfects one click Store Decoration

A year after the launch of its One-click Store Decoration, Shopee seems to have perfected the functionalities to make their automated shop decoration much better.  From just using generic template designs to adapting customized designs to suit current product catalog, this one-click functionality indeed saves the time required each time a store revamp is required …

Shopee AI Designer perfects one click Store Decoration Read More »

How to Boost Visibility and Engagement for Ecommerce

In the era of online shopping, businesses must adapt and excel in the digital landscape. Leveraging ecommerce SEO is the key to reaching your target audience and dominating search engine results. Let’s dive into a comprehensive guide that encompasses the essential steps for optimizing your e-commerce site. Understanding Your Audience: The Foundation of Ecommerce SEO …

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